Friday, July 30, 2010

Cycle Path: Funded or Not?

Conflicting reports about whether this project will be given go ahead this year..

Design for London say No. (But it is now "On everyone's radar" which I think means "they want it to happen")

Lewisham says Maybe. (They will decided which projects  will go ahead in September.)

They are having a meeting on Thursday to discuss all the proposals that Lewisham has on the table. So maybe after that we will get a clearer answer?

Martin Hodge, Lewishams "Public Realm Programme Manager", has agreed that this project needs to be fully discussed at this meeting. So maybe we could give him some fuel for this discussion?

The TRA are sending a letter demanding that a proper degree of real consultation is essential.

And I still have questions I'd like answered...

1) Does the brief to WWM include the commitment to explore options other than the proposal that destroys the Community garden?

2) Will a proper comprehensive consultation about this matter be carried out?

3) If a decision is being made about whether funding for this proposal is approved in September will that allow for any changes in the plans that will be more acceptable to the Crossfields Community?

Any other suggestion?

Martin Hodge:
020 8314 7585

Richa Mukhia: Design for London:
07939 203606

Arthur: WWM Architects:
020 7613 3113

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