Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lewisham favours betting shops over pizza

Whilst the betting chains take over our high street as Lewisham Licensing seem somehow powerless to stop them getting Gambling Licenses, another part of the Licensing Team is applying the planning and licensing rules in a different way – again, to the high street's detriment.

A well-established and respectable business on the high street, Sight Centre, was hoping to branch out and open a new pizza restaurant next to Cod Father's. Not too many pizza restaurants in Deptford High Street, you'll note, and a welcome addition to a small area of the street that is fast becoming a mini Las Vegas, full of betting shops and money lenders. But Lewisham planners say no. We already have our full quota of eateries apparently.

If you'd like to support the introduction of a new pizza restaurant, pop into the Sight Centre and sign their petition. Or see Danny on the market (the men's clothing stall situated in front of the old Halifax) who is fielding it on market days.

Whilst you're there, sign the other petition against the new Bet Fred planned for the Halifax site.

It is still worth lodging a complaint however by signing the petition, writing to the press and Joan Ruddock MP, and if you have the time, an objection to the Licensing Team. Objections to Bet Fred's application for a betting license must be in by Wednesday January 19th.

You must include your full name and address, and your objection might be to point out the worrying levels of antisocial behaviour and crime as a result of the already existing betting shops. It is not enough to simply complain about how many betting shops there already are. For further reading see this in-depth letter of objection here.


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