Friday, August 17, 2012

Underneath the arches

This small white classical niche appeared in one our arches (next to Browne House) in the last week of July and no one seemed to know how it got there.

It turned out to be an artwork by Joe Morris called Niche, part of Deptford X Fringe, which finished last weekend. The blurb says, "At a time when Deptford is in the throes of regeneration and the country is in a prolonged state of financial austerity, ‘Niche’ invites the viewer to consider whether we have lost our heritage."

It's a nice legacy from the festival and certainly a more lovely addition to our arches than the unseemly amount of dogshit occupying the next but one couple of arches, left by an unidentified dog-owner who, according to the caretakers, comes from outside the estate – let's hope it's not one of our own residents.


  1. I thought it was my neighbour but she just lets her dog shit on the non-dog bit of grass outside her house. Kids play there, so not sure what is worse really.

  2. I love the little arch. It's like a little temple. I hope no-one destroys it now attention is drawn to it.

  3. Some people are lazy and selfish and shouldn't be allowed to have dogs if they can't pick up after themselves. I thought twice about getting a dog when I realised I'd have to pick up their shit, something that made me feel sick when I saw the size of it. I've got friends who pick it up (and I'm revolted) but they find somewhere to put it other than places where people walk and children play.

    But there aren't any dog-poo bins on the estate because no one is allowed to walk their dog here (even if they do). Go figure.

  4. I wonder if Joe Morris realised he'd created a non-smiley face.

    Love it though, want to bring it small sacrifices, not dog turds of course.

  5. Which Joe Morris?

  6. Love the way a nice arty addition to the estate is immediately turned into a discussion about dog shit... sigh

  7. Hello everyone, lovely to see this post about the piece and that the residents of Crossfields like it! I'm Joe Morris's girlfriend and we have just confirmed the great news that we are actually going to be moving to Crossfields (Cremer House) next month. We're really looking forward to it, and I love the blog. Will definitely be a regular reader from now on.

