Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Halifax to become betting office

A Crosswhatfields reader commented at the beginning of November that the Halifax would become a bookies but at that time we could find no information about no.93 Deptford High Street.

It seems his fears were not unfounded. Another reader has just emailed to say the notice is up on the window for an application for (as he said) BETFRED BETTING BOLLOCKS...Objections to be in by 19th January 2011. More info to come...

This will be the 10th bookies in the Deptford High Street vicinity if you include the two in the Evelyn Street parade (the latest being the John Evelyn pub becoming Paddy Power only last month)...


  1. Unbelievable. Or depressingly predictable. Surely we reached saturation point about half-a-dozen bookies' ago?

  2. I looked up Bet Fred, not sure if it existed. Petfre (Gibraltar) Ltd (named after founders Fred and Peter) trading as Betfred...Tax free Gibraltar that is.
    Surprised they haven't taken over the Broadway yet. Or New Cross. Why do they congregate in the same small space?

  3. Hi Caroline and Anon,
    Had trouble finding the planning application on the Lewisham website...(as maybe you did). I am told there will be a petition nevertheless. Watch this space.
