Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Great tit

Is this is the bloody arse bird that has been keeping us awake:

The Batman costume is pretty half hearted. Shut the fuck up.


  1. Yes, that's the culprit. I was wondering who might know whether the renewed call was due to the severity of the weather - the birds needing to re-establish territories. Because it can't be territory-for-mating calls at this time of year, can it? And, if I listen carefully, it's not exactly the same call as the spring one - this mid-winter one is a lower less insistent pitch and it's less two-tone - there's much more of the lower note.

    I don't suppose anybody knows of an insomniac ornithologist we could consult?

  2. He's in Bristol but he never answers his phone/email ...I think this is it. Wee love has been quiet for a while...

  3. ''Can I shoot him? ''

    The local great tit population would not be threatened if you did. But if your aim is anything like your aim at 10-pin bowling, the general population would be in deep peril...
