Monday, November 1, 2010

Paddy Power +2, Deptford -2...

Looks like the relentless rise of Paddy Power's gambling empire has now ensnarled the John Evelyn.  The late John Evelyn. 


  1. I spoke to someone at the Halifax cashpoint today, as the windows of the (now closed) Halifax on Deptford High Street were being painted over, who said the Halifax would become another betting shop. Anyone able to confirm or deny?

  2. Sorry san, I've no idea apart from the thought that it's possible - with every bookie in town apparently thinking ''me too.'' I'm not sure they've realised that the job centre is closing later this month...

  3. Why not have a look on the Lewisham Planning webpage, San. I see there was an application in October for a new shop front at no.70 from Coral Racing who are already there. But there is nothing for no.93 which was the Halifax.
    You could also email the Licensing Team (

    The Borough of Hackney had a total of 69 bookies back in March, when Diane Abbot was on the case demanding a tightening up of the 2005 Gambling Act with an Early Day Motion. I've emailed to find out what happened to that...

  4. I've just done a quick search for planning applications for 93 Deptford High Street - nothing since 1997 when they were altering or installing the cash machine. (application 97/04866/ )

  5. ive just heard that the property has been sold and will be butchers

  6. Great, like we need another butchers...Still, better than bookies...
