Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Estate Inspection - Holden, Browne, Castell & Wilshaw - 19 August 4pm

There's an estate inspection of the south side of Crossfields on Thursday 19 August at 4pm.

You'll have seen the notices taped to our dilapidated noticeboards. Meeting point is 1-20 Holden House (Creekside). During the inspection, the inspectors examine communal (shared) areas. The tour looks at the standard of cleanliness, communal repairs and environmental issues.

If you are unable to attend and/or have any comments to make, please contact the Quality Team on 020 8613 4760.

Or leave a comment here and we'll try and make sure Ruth Hindle (our Quality Officer) gets it.


The inspection was attended by myself and our Allotments Rep, Ruth, who wanted to draw Quality Inspector Ruth Hindle's (yes, we had two Ruths!) attention to the broken down wall that borders the allotments next to Cremer, and Deptford Church Street. Then we left Ruth H to get on with it inspecting the communal areas.

I forwarded the contents of the anonymous comment sent to Crosswhatfields (see comments below)  to Ruth later in the day without censure, and she has replied today (20/8/10) to include them:

1. Re the stairs - I haven't had chance to speak today to the manager looking into this, so will let you know more once I have information
2. I have asked the supervisor to get fly spray for the caretakers to assist with this
3. I have emailed the manager regarding the bulk waste removal regarding information of scheduled pick ups and also sweeping responsibilities and schedules. I will let you know when I get feedback.
4. The notice boards, I have been informed are mainly old boards installed prior to Lewisham Homes' and so we don't have keys to access these. I have therefore, following your recommendation asked for these to be removed.
5. Regarding untidy tenants and issues with items on stairwells I have been informed that there is a project planned for the whole estate to work with residents to clear these items from communal walkways. The tenancy enforcement team will be liaising with yourselves (i.e. TRA) and community involvement to work together to assist residents in removing items from these areas.
This project will commence before the end of the year and the team involved will be in contact with you prior to this to get your views and assistance in implementing this clean up project.
I have spoken to Ruth Blake regarding the issues with the wall. The repairs team have made the wall stable temporarily whilst an insurance claim is made to cover the damage. I have informed them of the rubble which remains which they will come and remove this. I sent photos the damage to the wire fence and they will forward this on with the claim. I have, after speaking to Ruth, given her details to the repairs team in case more information is required.

I must say, Ruth Hindle is receptive and efficient and a vast improvement on the previous incumbent.

I'm not sure, however, that fly spray is going to solve the fly problem created by uncleaned paladins (the bins), bin chambers, and dirty chutes, but hey.

I'm astonished the recommendation has been taken up to remove the noticeboards, but I agree that they are a wasted resource and make the place look even more scruffy than it already does. (I even referred to them as dilapidated earlier in this post, so it wasn't difficult to pass on Anon's comment).

One would hope that any remedies for untidiness caused by some residents that are proposed by Tenancy Enforcement will not result in insulting those residents who take pride in their surroundings – if there is the promised consultation. It is not just tenants either. Consultation may help to ensure there is not the rather fascistic clearing of balconies as was proposed the last time, as referred to by Anonymous.

We look forward to seeing a swift resolution to the hole in the wall...

Here is Ruth's general report, which relates to communal areas (the above being in addition to this). It doesn't include Anon's particular references to Holden House I'm afraid. I was probably too late in referring the comments.

Also, despite Ruth's noting of dirtiness everywhere, scores are still mostly in the 90s (out of 100), which just goes to show the poor standards set by Lewisham Homes (that Ruth must adhere to).

Download Ruth's official report here.


  1. My comments after looking round the estate today:
    - The stairs are still in an awful state
    - There are still flies in the stairwells
    - Constant piles of waste hanging about cos the Bulk Household Waste Removal team are so erratic
    - The noticeboards are so dirty, broken, unattractive and unuseable they might as well be removed, even if they are not replaced.
    - Some tenants/residents are really untidy. Can they be asked to be tidier without a blanket letter going out to all residents like the nasty threatening letter we ALL got a while ago even though most of us ARE tidy?
    I hope Ruth noticed all this!

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I don't know if you got in touch with Ruth Hindle as well as commenting here, but I passed your comments to her anyway, and she has already replied to the TRA as follows:

    1. Re the stairs - I haven't had chance to speak today to the manager looking into this, so will let you know more once I have information
    2. I have asked the supervisor to get fly spray for the caretakers to assist with this
    3. I have emailed the manager regarding the bulk waste removal regarding information of scheduled pick ups and also sweeping responsibilities and schedules. I will let you know when I get feedback.
    4. The notice boards, I have been informed are mainly old boards installed prior to Lewisham Homes' and so we don't have keys to access these. I have therefore, following your recommendation asked for these to be removed.
    5. Regarding untidy tenants and issues with items on stairwells I have been informed that there is a project planned for the whole estate to work with residents to clear these items from communal walkways. The tenancy enforcement team will be liaising with yourselves (i.e. TRA) and community involvement to work together to assist residents in removing items from these areas.
    This project will commence before the end of the year and the team involved will be in contact with you prior to this to get your views and assistance in implementing this clean up project.

    I think I shall have to add a postscript to the above post so you can then download her report if you're interested.
