Thursday, March 25, 2010

A new blog venture....

I've just added a calendar page to the blog.  Though it seems to be working at the moment, it is still very much a learning curve, so please bear with us.  I hope to put all the Resident and Tenants meetings onto the calendar, as well as post up local gigs and art exhibitions that we've been told about.

If you wish to publicise a local event - whether it's a gig, an exhibition or an upcoming jazz tap-dance spectacular in the High Street, send the details to and I'll put them onto the calendar.  (You can toggle between agenda, week, or month views and by clicking into the event marked it will open up the location details.  Also, if you're a google calendar user, you can add the calendar to your own - it's open for public viewing.)

Provisionally, tenants' and residents' stuff will be listed in red, art-related stuff will be in amber, gigs will be in blue, and public holidays will get the green light treatment that they deserve.  The colours may change, though.  In fact I'm almost sure they will.

So, tell us what's happening and we'll endeavour like Trevor to put the event up.  And then - here comes the really hard part -  you have to remember the page is there. 


  1. Great idea, I've always thought this would be a great add-on to my blog, except I couldn't work out how to do it! Now I can just use yours!

  2. That's exactly what I said earlier on today! I'd managed to install a calendar, but getting it joined up with a master calendar (somewhere where you can put the info in) wasn't so obvious.

    If it helps, I used the public blog address ( set up a calendar, and used this page to give me clues:

    Whether it works is, of course, a completely different matter...we'll see.

  3. Thanks Marmoset...may take a bit of getting used to - I'm still using a filofax, and love my little red book. Electronic diaries are almost a technological development too far for me, but maybe I will eventually find it invaluable and vastly superior! My little red book doesn't do a large month-at-a- glance, so seeing when bank holidays are coming up is an advantage already.

  4. Until you get used to it, it may just stay up and running. Or perhaps you should think of it as an online filofax for nos jours.....

    Having spent some time figuring out how it works, I'm bound to be in favour of it, aren't it?

  5. Well done Marmoset! This is a great addition. I'm absolutely in awe of you guys for setting this up and just wanted to quickly say that I might not always have time to comment (or indeed post!) but I am reading everything as if I was ten years old and it was a library that had just opened up in the local village! Brilliant!

  6. Just posted another event for you to administrate, Marmoset!

  7. Couldn't face faffing around with google calendars, eh, Sue? Anyhow, I've put the RSVP event up, plus TRA meetings until next year.
